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Author Archives: mike
How to import Visio into Omnigraffle on the iPad
On of the Apps which I use on a regular basis on the iPad is Omnigraffle. Although it is by far the most expensive App I have bought so far, it is well worth the money. But there is one … Continue reading
BBC iPlayer and how to get it working on the iPad (Updated)
Everybody who imported an iPad from the US to the UK certainly noticed that the BBC has decided to not yet support the iPad on the iPlayer, which is rather disappointing. We can assume (or hope) that this will change … Continue reading
Import and view 1080p videos on the iPad directly from your Canon DSLR
The Camera Connection Kit is currently the most useful accessory for the iPad. It opens a number of additional possibilities, far beyond the initial description. A lot of these features have been described at many other places..i.e use it to … Continue reading
Posted in iPad, Photography, Tech Stuff
Tagged 1080p, Canon 550D, Canon 7D, Canon DSLR, iFile, iPad
The Facebook song – What the f… is FarmVille
David Ippolito debuts his new facebook song at The Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theater in New York City in 2010. (Subtitled “What the Fuck is Farmville!?”) httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDHb4wewAIQ Visit Davids Website: thatguitarman.com
Video: Timelapse – London
TimeLapse London from mikehellers on Vimeo. The above Video is a collection of timelapse videos done over the last few months in London. I have used a number of different cameras to take the pictures: Canon G9 with CHDK, Canon … Continue reading
Posted in London
Tagged Canary Wharf, Canon, London, Poplar, Timelapse, Trafalgar Square
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Video: Ice sculpting at Canary Wharf
Photos and Video captured using a Canon 7D. Music: Denny Schneidemesser – Heart of the Winter
Photo: Donkeys
Sign used by ” The Donkey Breed Society” during the 2010 New Years Parade in London.
26C3: cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/fuckups
As I already mentioned in the last post, there were a number of very nice presentation at the 26th Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin over the past days. Here is another great one. If you are interested in enterprise network … Continue reading
26C3: Street Photography – Das Recht am eigenen Bild
Over the last days, the annual CCC congress (Chaos Computer Club) (26th Chaos Communication Congress) happened in Berlin. As every year, it is an event that should not be missed. Most of the presentations have been streamed live. Most of … Continue reading
Photo: Faster…
Captured at the Winter Wonderland, Hyde Park, London
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