Tag Archives: Canon

This summer….

Well, what is there to say about this summer? Feels like we have April lasting the whole summer… Below are two short Time-Lapse videos showing some impressions captured this summer.

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GigaPan Panorama: Trier, Germany

Looking down over Trier in Germany (near the Border to Luxembourg) from the top of Markusberg near the Mariensaeule. Panorama size: 3044 megapixels (131768 x 23104 pixels) Input images: 315 (35 columns by 9 rows) Equipment: GigaPan Epic Pro, Canon … Continue reading

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Photo: Tower Bridge

Captured on a late afternoon using the Canon 550D. Three exposures with basic tonemapping applied using the photomatix plugin for Aperture.

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Video: Timelapse – London

TimeLapse London from mikehellers on Vimeo. The above Video is a collection of timelapse videos done over the last few months in London. I have used a number of different cameras to take the pictures: Canon G9 with CHDK, Canon … Continue reading

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Video: Ice sculpting at Canary Wharf

Photos and Video captured using a Canon 7D. Music: Denny Schneidemesser – Heart of the Winter

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Photo: London Eye by night

Captured using a Canon 500D on a cold but clear evening early november 2009. Exposure time was 30s.

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Gigapan – Blackwall basin

Yet another Gigapaixel panoramic image for the collection. Taken from Trafalgar Way looking over Blackwall Basin towards the O2. Click the image to open the viewer.

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