Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wheelchair Rugby at the Paralympics

During one of my visits to the Paralympics I watched the Sweden-Belgium Wheelchair Rugby. First time for me, and it was great fun. Some pictures below or at my Flickr page. [set_id=72157631427299050]

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Merry Christmas, and yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!

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Taking the GigaPan to Luxembourg

I recently went back home to Luxembourg and decided to actually take the GigPan Epic with me on the trip. I didn’t have a lot of time to take pictures, and the weather was also not helping, but I managed … Continue reading

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Photo: Faster…

Captured at the Winter Wonderland, Hyde Park, London

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Photo: Round and round it goes

Fun Fair at Leicester Square, London.

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We won’t forget you!

Whatever I will write here isn’t going to change anything, but all of us are asking ourselves the same questions over and over again: Why? Why didn’t you talk to us? What could we have done differently? Why didn’t we … Continue reading

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Into the Sky

Into the Sky Originally uploaded by mikehellers Sunny day in London.

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The O2 by night – Panorama

Time for another panorama. This one shows you the fantastic view of the O2 (formerly known as the Millenium Dome) in London. [kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”250″ width=”530″ /] Open in pop-up window

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Happy New Year!

httpvh:// See it in  HD(720p) on  YouTube

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First Entry

Just adding a first entry here, to check the installation.

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