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Author Archives: mike
Gigapan – Blackwall basin
Yet another Gigapaixel panoramic image for the collection. Taken from Trafalgar Way looking over Blackwall Basin towards the O2. Click the image to open the viewer.
Photowalking around London
The following pictures have been taken with a Canon EOS 500D during a walk around London on a sunny (well, cloudy) afternoon. Enjoy! [flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157617564084957″]
The O2 by night – Panorama
Time for another panorama. This one shows you the fantastic view of the O2 (formerly known as the Millenium Dome) in London. [kml_flashembed movie=”http://data.mikehellers.com/viewer/PanoramaViewer.swf?url=http://data.mikehellers.com/gigapan/O2ByNight-25Apr2009.data/tiles/&suffix=.jpg&startHideControls=0&width=20848&height=10566&nlevels=8&cleft=2832.4733763119&ctop=208488&cright=1393.24467760903&cbottom=10566&startEnabled=1¬ifyWhenLoaded=1&api_version=alpha&api_port=88&api_subdomain=www” height=”250″ width=”530″ /] Open in pop-up window
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Where’s Willis. The story behind the creation of a 2.6 gigapixel image of Londons Southbank
People who are following my blog on a regular basis have without any doubt noticed that I have somehow become fascinated by gigapixel panoramas over the past couple of months. A few weeks ago, SkyMovies contacted me asking if I … Continue reading
BBC iPlayer goes HD!
The BBC has finally released HD streaming and downloads of some of their programs. The quality is pretty amazing, but the requirements towards your Broadband connection, and as important, zou computer are rather impressive and will certainly be an issue … Continue reading
Hosting Gigapan images on your own server
Over the last couple of days I have played around a bit with the backend of how the server side of hosting the Gigapan images is working. I was interested in two different topics: What is the best way to … Continue reading
Form 5090
As most of you know, I am spending a bit of time these days taking pictures in and around London. And I can now add myself to the list of people who ave been stopped by the police under Section … Continue reading
Panorama: Canary Wharf by night
I finally made my first attempt at shooting a high resolution panoramic image during the evening. Regular visitors will recognize the view of Canary Wharf already. It was unfortunately rather windy outside, causing the camera to not be always as … Continue reading
London Millwall Inner Dock Panorama
As always, enjoy. View of Millwall Inner Dock towards Canary Wharf Panorama size: 877 megapixels (59295 x 14798 pixels) Input images: 154 (22 columns by 7 rows) As always, you can find the complete list of my panoramas here.
Gigapan images on your iPhone
Last december Microsoft released an iPhone version of Seadragon, which is a viewer for Deep Zoom images. By default, Seadragon can not be used to view GigaPan images, but thanks to Daniel Gasienica, this is now different. Daniel released GigaPan … Continue reading