Photowalking at the Southbank – more panoramas

As mentioned in the previous post, I spent yesterday afternoon walking along the Southbank along the river Thames, taking a number of panoramas using the GigaPan robotic camera mount.
I have finished the stitching process and they are all up on the website now.
Enjoy zooming around the pictures. For a better experience, go directly to the gigapan site and don’t forget to add snapshots for anything interesting you find.

HMS Belfast
Panorama size: 1011 megapixels (51681 x 19580 pixels)
Input images: 171 (19 columns by 9 rows)

London Tower and Tower Bridge
Panorama size: 693 megapixels (56442 x 12280 pixels)
Input images: 126 (21 columns by 6 rows)

Blackfriars Bridge, St. Pauls Cathedral and the City
Panorama size: 334 megapixels (38394 x 8708 pixels)
Input images: 56 (14 columns by 4 rows)

Millenium Footbridge and St. Pauls Cathedral
Panorama size: 533 megapixels (51285 x 10402 pixels)
Input images: 95 (19 columns by 5 rows)

You can find all of my gigapan panoramas at the website.

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