While going through some rather old backups, I stumbled across a folder from 1996. At the time I was student at the Institut Superieur de Technologie in Luxembourg. One of the projects we worked on at the time was to create a navigable QuicktimeVR movie. We chose to take the Library as scenery for the QTVR movie.
We used an Apple QuickTake digital camera to take the pictures, which is one of the reasons for the rather low resolution images. But performance of the computers at the time was certainly also part of it, after all, this little gem is now over 13 years old.
The final project included a clickable map of the room, done using Macromedia Director if I remember correctly, but I don’t seem to have a copy of that part anymore.
The first clip was a test taking in one of the studios, while the second one was the final result and you can click through the clip to “walk” through the not so impressive library.
[qt:http://mikehellers.com/blog/wp-content/QTVR_Scene_final.mov 320 240]