It isn’t really getting any better.
O2 informed their potential customers today about the latest status.
You can go to to read it for yourself, but it isn’t good news.
Read the following to get an idea:
we’re confident that everyone who wants an iPhone will be able to get one by the end of the summer.
O2 also indicates some numbers regarding the availability of the phones in the stores on Launch day:
On average, we will only have a few dozen iPhone 3Gs per store (some stores more, some stores less, dependant upon store size so we expect to sell out quickly). Sales of iPhone 3G will be limited to one per customer and two for business customers.
And finally also a confirmation that you will be able to buy teh phone inthe Apple stores, but only if you are a NEW customer, and do not want to upgrade your current contract!
Apple will be selling iPhone 3Gs in their stores, but please note that existing O2 customers can only upgrade in an O2 or CPW store.
Well, good luck to everybody who wants to get one tomorrow, or who is, like myself still waiting for some kind of a confirmation from O2 regarding the pre-ordered phone.
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