iPhone – loving it

As some of you know, I recently bought an iPhone. Since it is not yet available here in Europe, I got it from the US. Activation was easy, which basically gave me a really nice wireless iPod. Well, since today, using a TurboSIM, I finally have a fully unlocked iPhone, working with t-mobile over here in the UK! Yes, there are a few thing that are missing on the current version of the iPhone (no 3G, no build-in GPS, no copy-paste,…) but otherwise, it is the best phone currently available! The multi-touch user interface is just amazing! In addition it is the best iPod available (if you can accept that it has only 8G of storage space).

Although, I guess that the last part might change next week..rumours are indicating that Apple might release a new iPod next week (including wireless and touch screen…but then again…rumours.

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